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The Warm-up

To the juniors these are just games, but they all teach something important - balance, teamwork, or movement.



Ruby in the News

 We were visited by a journalist recently to report on Ruby's achievement in becoming a black belt at the age of just 15 years and one day old. We'd like to thank NaAoPresents for visiting and producing such a comprehensive, well-researched and heartfelt article on Ruby and the club. We hope to see you again - perhaps for an article on your first Judo lesson? I'm sure Ruby would take you under her wing.

Masterclass with David Starbrook 

23rd March 2024

Over the years there have been many great british Judo players. There have been champions, characters, great technicians and fierce fighters. But on a different level are the players who set the pace, who did something for the first time or changed the direction of british Judo. We were honoured to be visited by one of those rare pioneers on Saturday. David Starbrook won Britain's first olympic Judo medal, in 1972 at the Munich olympics. That medal was silver, and he took bronze four years later in Montreal. He took bronze medals at the world championships in 1971 and 1973 as well. Now with 60 years of Judo experience he still trains and coaches - he's a true legend of british Judo. He delivered a session to a mat packed with club members for two hours and it was a day to be remembered forever for everyone who was there.

Dave Starbrook with Andy - a century of Judo experience between them

A Century Of Judo Experience in One Photo

Passing it on

"Age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance" - David Mamet

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